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Healthy Starts Here

Practical Coaching for a Healthier You

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Proverbs: 16:24
"Gracious words are
like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul
and health to the body."

Meet Patricia Lejour

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Wellness Coach

Feeling like life is out of focus? Let's work together to bring clarity and positivity back into your life through wellness coaching. I'm Patricia Lejour, and I'm here to guide you towards lifestyle changes that lead to positive outcomes, offering support and practical advice every step of the way.

Book your free 30-minute consultation today, and let's start setting some goals. Based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, I conduct coaching sessions online via Zoom for your convenience.

A bit about my journey and why I founded Trifinity Wellness Coaching:

My passion for helping others has been with me since childhood, evolving alongside my deep appreciation for the wonders of nature. As a mature woman with a zest for life, I believe that beauty can be found in every aspect of creation, especially when viewed through a lens of gratitude. With empathy and compassion, I aim to create a space where every individual feels heard and valued.

Over the past four decades, I've worn many hats, including that of a Certified Fitness Instructor for 15 years. I've also navigated my own journey through menopause and embraced a plant-based lifestyle, all while managing chronic pain for a decade.

Driven by my faith, passion, and personal experiences, I pursued certification as a Wellness Coach and founded Trifinity Wellness. My goal is simple: to share the wisdom I've gained so that others can benefit from the insights I wish I'd had sooner. I'm excited to embark on this journey with you and grateful for the opportunity to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Let's connect and start your wellness journey together.
- Patricia Lejour

Meet Patricia
Why Naturopathy

Why Would You Want a Wellness Coach?

I can help with

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Weight Management 
  • Empowering Realistic Goal Setting with Structured Plans

  • Offering Tailored Detox Programs

  • Facilitating Lasting Habit Changes

  • Partnering for Accountability

  • Fostering Ongoing Commitment

  • Integrating Simple Healthier Choices


Feeling Fatigued?

You're Not Alone.

For 90% of Women, Fatigue and Drained Energy Signal an Internal Hormonal Imbalance.

Revitalize Your Body:

Start by Nourishing Yourself with Nutrition Support and Lifestyle Strategies.


Detoxifying your body involves incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet, staying hydrated with plenty of water, practicing deep breathing exercises, and ensuring a minimum of 7 hours of sleep each night. It's also essential to cut back on or eliminate alcohol, high-fat processed foods, and refined sugars.


Women's Health

The leading causes of death include cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, making it crucial for women to establish a solid foundation in nutrition to support overall health and well-being.

Preparing our bodies for significant milestones such as pregnancy, menopause, and post-menopause requires adopting healthy habits and lifestyles.


By empowering our bodies with proper nutrition and wellness practices, we can better equip ourselves to combat illness and disease.

Improving Gut Health

  • Incorporate fiber-rich foods into your diet.

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

  • Minimize consumption of processed foods and sugar.

  • Practice mindful eating, savoring each bite.

  • Consider probiotic supplements to support gut flora.

  • Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily.

  • Prioritize quality sleep for overall well-being.

  • Manage stress through relaxation techniques.

  • Enhance your nutrition with Juice Plus Whole Food Supplements.


Stress can wreak havoc on your Mind, Body, and Soul. While we all experience periods of high stress, chronic stress can significantly impact health and overall well-being.

I offer a safe space to discuss frustrations with your health journey, providing a supportive environment that's non-judgmental and unbiased.

Incorporating meditation and maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle are essential for healing and restoring equilibrium.

Schedule Your FREE Consultation or Prepaid Wellness Session Today!

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Your Health Starts Here

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Contact Info




T. 613-698-8370

Ottawa, ON  Canada

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